
Two years ago, D.Monet's Organics was born. D.Monet's Organics is an all-natural hair care line, created by Denia Monet, senior Biology major, at Stevenson University. Denia is also an athlete as she plays for the Women's Basketball Team. Products are all handcrafted by Denia in her kitchen at home in Ewing, Nj. Each and every batch are made with love and care that tend to natural and curly hair. 

D.Monet's Organics was created to add quality and integrity to textured hair by utilizing natural ingredients. We also strive to make men and women with textured hair have an easier hair journey, as their hair soaks up the natural goodness that comes from our products. We make it a point to always understand what goes into and onto your body, as we use common ingredients in our products that are known to the public. 

We have sold to over 400 customers in the two years that we have been in business. Being a student-athlete made running the business full time pretty difficult, so now that things are slowing down, we are able to finally take off. D.Monet's has been growing rapidly with the launch of new products and many new customers.

Hair care is our passion and we want to share that with the natural hair community! 
